Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Top 5 Wednesday/ Favorite Couples


 I Decided to start doing Top 5 Wednesday Created by Booktuber Lainey at Gingerreadslainey go check her out she is awesome. Hope you enjoy! These are some of my favorite couples!

1. Magnus and Alec: I love this two together, they're just perfect for eachother!

2. Jasper and Alice: I loved them more than Bella and Edward. They just seem so in love like they would do anything for each other. 

3. Morpheus and Alyssa: I hope and pray that in the last series Alyssa chooses Morpheus. I just feel that Morpheus loves her as her true self, and Morpheus is just perfect.

4. Christian and Anastasia: I love Christian and Ana so much even though she annoys me a bit, I do feel that he loves her to the moon and back and she feels the same way for him! Where can I find me a Christian Grey!

5. Peeta and Katniss: Oh Peeta, Peeta lol I love that he's so humble and that after all the lies she put him through he still loved her. I always wanted Katniss to end up with Peeta. He's just perfect for her! 

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